Tuesday, February 28, 2012


IGNITED MINDS- Unleashing the power within INDIA
Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen ABDUL KALAM (DOB-15 OCT.1931) recipient of PADMA BHUSHAN (‘81), PADMA VIBHUSHAN (‘90) AND BHARAT RATNA (‘97). A well known scientist, worked with DRDO,ISRO and the Government of INDIA.
                                                          Ignited Minds (Apr.2002)is an attempt to awaken the potential hidden among the young in INDIA so that DEVELOPED INDIA can be achieved. In short -Thinking is the capital, Enterprise is the way and Hard Work is the solution. Ignited Minds is about developing that conviction in ourselves and discarding the things that hold us back. 
          Dream, Dream, Dream ;
          Dreams transform into thoughts
          And thoughts result in Action.
After a helicopter crash (Sept.2001) A.K delivers his speech and rests in his room and dreams about the five major personalities: Mahatma Gandhi, Albert Einstein, Emperor Asoka, Abraham Lincoln and Caliph Omar. Dreams have the power of creativity and this leads to think about the dream and thus thoughts result in action. Spirituality must be integrated with education, together they have the ability to establish the highest power of knowledge.
ROLE MODELS: learn from the role models, Respect them but do not imitate them. For children up to the age of fifteen-Parents and teachers should be their role models and this has an impact on the future of the country.
A.K’s Favourite Books:
“Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now”-Goethe.
Visionary teachers and scientists – this chapter states that Vision is the most important for the development. A.K’s favourite teacher Prof. Totadri Iyengar.
Aryabhatta- Aryabhattiam (2 parts).Discovered the value of “pi” as the ratio of circle’s circumference to its diameter.
Bramhagupta- Bramha Stupa  Siddhanta. Given solution of intermediate equations to different degrees.
Bhaskaracharya-Siddhantasirohmani and evolved the value of zero.
Kalam says that for the betterment of a nation Vision should be established and for this to occur, Spirituality with education (ancient sciences should be given paramount role) should be taught.
PURA-Provide Urban Facilities In Rural Areas.
Tamil poem by Awaiyar:
It is rare to be born as human being
It is still more rare to be born without any deformity
Even if you are born without any deformity
It is rare to acquire knowledge and education
Even if one could acquire knowledge and education
It is still rare to do offerings and tapas
But for one who does offerings and tapas
The doors of heaven open to greet him.
‘When u speak, speak the truth; perform when you promise; discharge your trust…withhold your hands from striking.and from taking which is unlawful and bad.’
“I do not care for liberation, I would rather go to a hundred thousand hells,’doing good to others (silently) like the spring’, this is my religion”- SWAMI VIVEKANANDA.
                   Nature has always been a best friend to man. The point is he should realize it before it is too late.
For a people of a nation to rise to the highest, they must have a common memory of great Heros and exploits, of great adventures and triumphs in the past. All nations which have risen to greatness have been characterized by a sense of mission. The most important and urgent task before our leadership is to get all the forces for constructive change together and deploy them in a mission mode.
“Wisdom is a weapon to ward off destruction. It is an inner fortress which enemies cannot destroy”-Thirrukural.
Knowledge is acquired through education, information, intelligence and experience. KNOWLEDGE HAS BEEN THE PRIME MOVER OF PROSPERITY AND POWER. The acquisition of knowledge has therefore been the thrust area throughout the world. The knowledge society has two important components driven by societal transformation and wealth generation.
Core areas : IT, BT, ST, Weather forecasting, Disaster management, telemedicine and teleeducation.
“Determine that things can and shall be done, and then we shall find the way”- Abraham Lincoln.
Five areas of Core competence-
1.     Agriculture and food processing
2.    Power (Electricity)
3.    Education and health care
4.    Information Technology
5.    Strategic sector-Nuclear, Space and Defense Technology.
We need to dapt the implementation of our programmes and policies into a mission mode to succeed. The abundant natural resources, human and material, remain to be fully utilized. Value addition should be an important step for the development of a nation.
“The horse that flew-chidanand Rajghatta.”
Start by risking your own position for a mission. Either I deliver or I go. prepare for the Endeavour. With effort and perseverance you will always succeed.
We need to realize that missions are always bigger than organizations, just as organizations are always bigger than the individuals who run them.
Cosortium amon the companies and the unity among the nation-like before the independence makes our nation a super power.
“Song of youth”

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